Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I think I'm giving myself a personality disorder.

It stems from the fact that English and Spanish have very different feels, so in some senses I become a different person in each language. I'm used to my English self while in Canada and my Spanish self here in Peru, but when those barriers break down strange things happen inside my head. Normally I would speak 100% Spanish here, except for a half-hour phone call once a week or so. But with Katie, I've got the opportunity to use English almost any time of the day. Joseph is also trying to practice, so I speak English with him. Switching languages throughout the day takes its toll. It isn't just the mental effort, either: I've realized that emotionally I'm jumping around as I switch my mode of communication, so that these two versions of myself are meeting each other and so far I don't know what to make of the encounter.

People who know me as an English speaker now see me as a Spanish speaker, and vice versa. I wonder what will come of this.


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