Sunday, May 16, 2010


Soon I'll get some pictures up from today's inauguration celebration at La Libertad. Let's say it included a ribbon cutting as well as a champagne bottle. Fortunately the champagne was contained away from the computers. The mayor was there, along with a good number of parents, teachers, and people from the town. The excitement was evident, as everyone milled about the computers and peeked through windows to catch a glimpse of the action. You get a sense of wonder from all of it. I really hope to take this energy and build on it with our activity program.

It was a full day: Seeing Katie as she soaks in the new country, trying to remember names as I meet everyone in the city within the space of an hour, crazy combi rides and it's all new but it has a familiar feeling to it. I've done this before, just in a different context and a couple years ago. It's been great meeting up with old friends from Villa Martha and there are stil others to track down.

It's very difficult to think in long phrases. I think switching between English and Spanish is harder than just sticking to Spanish. At least I know what to expect then...

Hasta pronto.

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