Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In a few days...

The last month has been a whirlwind, but everything seems so far away now. I'm making the final preparations for the trip. Over the past week, I have been visiting alot of family and meeting up with old friends and they have all asked me how I am feeling about the project. For the first time, it was very hard for me to put how I'm feeling into words. It is a strange combination of being extremely excited about the entire project, about seeing Peru which I've heard so much about, experience the culture and speak spanish for 3 months; at the same time, I'm feeling nervous about the challenge of the project, knowing that its success rests on our shoulders and that there is no manual or template of how to make the project run smoothly. I'm also nervous because unlike school where you can easily predict and know what to expect, with this project, I have no idea how it will go and I can't foresee the next 3 months. I'm leaving my "cellphone" my macbook, the deadlines and english behind for the next 3 months, it's such an awesome, liberating feeling. My Spanish is coming back... thanks to Harry Potter y Las Reliquias de la Muerte and mexican gossip shows....

There are a few things I'm not leaving behind... Books about the Midde East and English Breakfast Tea. My next post will be using the computers in the lab in Cieneguilla!

Hasta Luego

1 comment:

  1. In just over two weeks, I, too, will be joining up with you in Peru. I can relate to the nervous part very well as my Spanish is "muy poco," my experience with traveling overseas non-existent, and my time there very limited by comparison. I want to be an asset to the project but have many questions about how that will occur considering my limited knowledge & limited time. I am very much hoping that you and Matthew will help me out as I want to be part of the project, not merely a "visitor" who is coming to look around & return to my world. I have a real heart for this project and surely want to do all I can to make that known by my presence and activity. So, as things unfold, please keep in mind my desire to leave a lasting impact in my two short weeks & if you see places where I can do that, please put my name on that spot. My journey is a journey of the heart. If it were anything less, my fears of all the unknowns would keep me in Wisconsin. I know you & Matthew are ready for this adventure and will do a great job. Expect success, and I believe you will find it. See you soon - May 31st.
    Randy - Matthew's Dad
